Is it challenging for your business to get the new customers to actually use your product, open the newsletter or provide valuable feedback about the service they have just received?
The purpose of this funnel is to say thank you and educate your customers on the product you have, so that they get instant value, stick around your brand, and make recurring purchases.
DiALOGiFY solution:
Send a personalized WebChat by Email or SMS after the conversion. Make sure to welcome the customers by name, let them know how excited your brand is to offer the solution to them, list out what kind of support they can expect from you and your team. Let them know that they’ve just signed up for something awesome and make them hyped up about it.
For this funnel we suggest creating a DiALOGiFY dialogue based on a “new customer” list or tag in your CRM by setting up the integrations available. Ultimately, each new contact is instantly added into your task list. It is known that initial engagement and conversions rates increase significantly when you send a communication to welcome new customers.
Create a WebChat and add the DiALOGiFY UID to the URL that is used in your SMS or Email to make it personal. Your alert message includes the right trigger that links to the message copy, add the relevant call-to-action to drive them to take the next step. Take a look at the example below to see what we mean.
Activate new customers
Contact added to list > New customer
Example Message Template
Click here
Subject Line: Welcome to the new era of marketing [user.FirstName]!
Hi {user.FirstName}, We look forward to getting things rolling for you. We have prepared an introductory sequence for you that will help you get started with the new functions more quickly. Press the button and tell us which areas are most important to you.
Yeah, let’s start
Call to action suggestion
Start a drip campaign that introduces new features step by step.
Get started
Link to a Dialogue to get to know the needs of this customers.